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50/780 WindPower turbine

Technical Data
Nominal power(kw) 1500
Cutin wind speed(m/s) 3
Nominal wind speed(m/s) 12
Cutout wind speed(m/s) 25(10minutes mean value)
Survival wind speed(m/s) 51.6(3s mean value)

Rotordiametet 77
Rotationalspeed(rpm) 9.6/17.3
Blade material Glass fiber
Blade length(m) 37.3
Blade number 3
Swept area(m2) 4657

Type Three stage with planetary and spur
Nominal power(KW) 1660
Ratio 1:104

Brake system
Primary Brake System Alone blade pitch control
Secondary Brake Stystem 2mechani calbrake on the high speed shaft

Primary Brake System Four-speed applications of doubly fed asynchronous generator
Nominal power(KW) 1500
Nominal voltage(V) 690

Yaw system
Type Active yawing
Yawing speed(0/s) 0.5

Control stystem
Controller Type Plc

Typetubular steeltubular Tubular steel tular
Tower height(m) 61.5/90/100

Nacelle 56T
Rotor 35T
Tower 90T/61.55m 174T/90m 263.5t/100m